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Grant Criteria

The Harold & Alice Bridges Charity Grant Criteria

The Harold and Alice Bridges Charity provide grants for capital projects to grants for village halls in the Lancashire and South Cumbria areas.

The Harold and Alice Bridges Charity provide grants for capital projects to grants for village halls in the Lancashire and South Cumbria areas.

When considering whether to apply for a grant from the Harold and Alice Bridges Charity, applicants should consider the following criteria which the Trustees use to help assess the applications:

  1. Grants awarded by the Charity are mainly for capital projects and not usually for running expenses. For example, an application from a village hall for a grant towards the re-roofing of the building is likely to be more favourably considered than an application to pay for the hall to be regularly cleaned.
  2. The Trustees favour applications which show a good degree of self help and local support.
  3. The area of benefit should, if possible, be shown to be in Lancashire and South Cumbria, particularly the area north of the River Ribble, eastwards towards the Blackburn area and into South Lakes.
  4. It is helpful if the applicant is itself a charity registered with the Charity Commission. You will be asked to quote your registered charity number.

Apply for a Grant

Application for a grant is made by completing our application form.

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